Expectant Mothers
Giving birth to hope.
Questions about Adoption? We have a licensed professional available 24/7 to help answer any questions you may have. We offer free life-long support for our birth mother clients. We are a licensed agency in Indiana.

Adoptive Couple Profiles
Meet Our Waiting Families
These couples have gone through our complete home-study process. They are waiting to grow their family through the journey of adoption. St. Elizabeth| Coleman is a licensed child-placing agency in Indiana.

Domestic Adoption
Giving Hope to Families
We look forward to guiding you along your journey and your dream of building a family through adoption. We provide services for families interested in domestic adoption, step-parent and relative adoption within Indiana.

International Adoption
Giving Hope to Families
Our agency offers distinct services that are vital steps to your International Adoption. We are a licensed Home Study agency & COA accredited. We can assist you in finding the appropriate placement agency.

Adoption Hope Indiana
A Parenting Choice
At St. Elizabeth| Coleman we believe that adoption is a parenting choice. Click "Couple Videos" to view our instagram, made for birth mothers to learn more about couples waiting to adopt! Each couple has gone through our homestudy process.
Want to talk about adoption for you and your baby?
Call or Text: Renee at 317-460-0832

Unplanned Pregnancy? It can be scary, but options are available. St. Elizabeth | Coleman is a licensed child placing agency in Indiana. We can help you place your baby for adoption with the family of your choice. We provide free adoption counseling and financial assistance. Take a look at our approved Waiting Familes.
Call (317) 787-3412 or email us today.
Need pregnancy or parenting support? We can help you by giving information, support, resources, and donations.

Welcome to St. Elizabeth | Coleman. We are excited to be part of your adoption journey and assist you in fulfilling your dream of building your family through adoption.
We provide services for families interested in domestic, step-parent, and relative adoption, as well as international adoption.
Call (317) 787-3412 or email us today.
At St. Elizabeth| Coleman we believe Adoption is a Parenting Choice
Stay Up-To-Date with our agency!
St. Elizabeth| Coleman is a licensed, nonprofit adoption agency, located in Indianapolis, Indiana, providing full-service birth parent and adoptive parent preparation and support for domestic, transracial, medical needs and international adoptions.