Suggested Readings & Websites
Suggested Readings
For Adults
- Carlisle, Katrina and Barr, Tracy “Adoption for Dummies”
- Cogen, Patty “Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child: From Your First Hours Together Through the Teen Years”
- Crumbley, Joseph “Transracial Adoption and Foster Care”
- Eldridge, Sherrie “Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wished Their Adoptive Parents Knew”
- Johnston, Patricia Irwin “Adopting Sound Choices, Strong Families”
- Keck, Gregory C. and Kubecky, Regina M. “Adopting the Hurt Child: Hope for Families with Special Needs Kids”
- Keefer, Betsy and Schooler, Jayne E. “Telling the Truth to your Adopted or Foster Child”
- Steinberg, Gail and Hall, Beth "Inside Transracial Adoption"
- Watkins, Mary and Fisher, Susan “Talking with Young Children about Adoption”
- Francesca, Zoe “My Family, My Journey: A Baby Book For Adoptive Families”
- Dr. Siegel, Daniel “Parenting From The Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive”
- Sunshine, Wendy, Dr. Cross, David and Dr. Purvis, Karyn “The Connected Child”
- Gray, Deborah“Attaching in Adoption”
- Hopkins, Mary“Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft”
- Dr. Keck, Gregory“Adopting the Hurt Child”
- Dr. Keck, Gregory“Parenting the Hurt Child”
- Davenport, Dawn“The Complete Book of International Adoption ”
For Kids
- Bond, Juliet C. "Sam's Sister"
- Durant, Jolene "Never Never Never Will She Stop Loving You"
- Hamanaka, Sheila "All Colors of the Earth"
- O'Shea, Robbie "I'm Brown and My Sister Isn't"
- Parr, Todd "It's Okay to be Different"
- Simon, Norma "All Kinds of Families"
- Curtis, Jaime Lee "Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Adopted"
Helpful Websites
- Adoptive Family Magazine
Award-winning national magazine and online resource for pre and post adoptive families - National Council for Adoption
Online Resource for Adoption Advocacy, domestic and international adoption - Pact – An Adoption Alliance
A wealth of Informational Resources for Transracial / Transcultural Adoptions - Tapestry Books
Excellent source for Adoption Books & Resources
Infertility & Adoption Publisher provides list of recommended Adoption Books
Videos and Articles about a variety of Adoption Topics
Resources and Advocacy for International Adoption
Excellent resource and information about Intercountry Adoptions